Graveyard keeper дерево технологий

Theology (Tech Tree)

This technology tree deals with the church and graveyard. It is unlocked by first meeting the bishop. Through it you can unlock better gravestones and fences for a better , new items for the church to help you boost its rating and new sermons which give unique bonuses.

Faith [ ]

This branch is unlocked after completing the to 5. He will give you the preacher perk allowing you to hold sermons in the local church. Further down the tree you are able to craft more sermons.

Technology Prerequisite tech Cost Unlocks
Faith None Unlocked by reopening the church Create: Prayer for faith
Perk: Preacher
Light of Faith Faith 5 5 5 Blueprint: Candelabra I
Create: Candle (1)
Create: Candle (3)
Illumination of Faith Light of Faith 50 25 Blueprint: Candelabra II
Create: Candle (4)
Create: Stained glass window
Shining of Faith Superpower of Faith
Illumination of Faith
250 100 100 Blueprint: Candelabra III
Comfort of Faith Faith 10 5 Blueprint: Church bench
Power of Faith Comfort of Faith 10 30 Blueprint: Confessional
Blueprint: Wooden church shrine
Create: Prayer for repentance
Softness of Faith Power of Faith 25 50 20 Blueprint: Soft church bench
Superpower of Faith Softness of Faith 150 250 Blueprint: Confessional II
Blueprint: Stone church shrine
Smell of Faith Power of Faith 10 30 10 Blueprint: Incense burner
Create: Incense
Pheromones Smell of Faith 10 100 100 Blueprint: Incense burner II
Create: Incense II
Business of Faith Faith 10 5 Create: Flyer
Create: Prayer for prosperity
Price of Faith Business of Faith 20 Create: Prayer for donations
Create: Combo prayer
Perk: Cardinal

Graves [ ]

Upon arriving to the graveyard for the first time the technology tree so that you can improve the graveyard to 5 and complete his quest. Unlocking all of these technology’s costs a total of 1455, 155, and 635 technology points.

Technology Prerequisite tech Cost Unlocks
Humble Marker None Unlocked by meeting the bishop Create: Wooden marker
Simple Gravestones Humble Marker 10 5 Create: Wooden grave fence
Create: Wooden cross
Create: Gravestone
Cremation Simple Gravestones 5 20 5 Blueprint: Place for burning corpses
Create: Ceramic funeral urn
Blueprint: Stone columbarium
Graveyard Enchancement Cremation 40 20 Blueprint: Wooden prayer station
Blueprint: Lawn
Cremation II Cremation 120 80 20 Create: Porcelain funeral urn
Blueprint: Marble columbarium
Stone Prayer Station Cremation II 150 100 Blueprint: Stone prayer station
Blueprint: Marble flagstones
Blueprint: Lantern
Stone Gravestones Simple Gravestones 30 10 Create: Stone grave fence
Create: Stone cross
Create: Gravestone II
Carved Gravestones Stone Gravestones 100 30 Create: Stone grave fence II
Create: Stone cross II
Create: Stone plinth
Grave monuments Carved gravestones 150 50 Create: Stone sculpture
Create: Stone sculpture II
Marble gravestones Grave Monuments 250 100 Create: Marble grave fence
Create: Marble cross
Carved Marble Gravestones Marble Gravestones 300 50 150 Create: Marble grave fence II
Create: Marble cross II
Create: Marble plinth
Crypts Marble Gravestones 300 150 Create: Marble sculpture
Create: Marble sculpture II
Advanced gravestones Undertaker from Refugee camp (Game of Crone DLC) 5 Create: Stone grave fence III
Create: Stone grave fence IV
Create: Gravestone III
Advanced gravestones II Undertaker from Refugee camp (Game of Crone DLC) 10 Create: Stone grave fence V
Create: Marble gravestone III
Create: Marble grave fence III
Marble Fences Undertaker from Refugee camp (Game of Crone DLC) 28 Create: Marble grave fence IV
Create: Marble grave fence V
Stone Statues Undertaker from Refugee camp (Game of Crone DLC) 12 Create: Stone sculpture III
Create: Stone sculpture IV
Marble Statues Undertaker from Refugee camp (Game of Crone DLC) 25 Create: Marble sculpture III
Create: Marble sculpture IV
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Technology Tree in Graveyard Keeper Game Graveyard Keeper Guide and Walkthrough

The most important gameplay mechanic in Graveyard Keeper is the technology tree. Thanks to it you can develop your character and complete quests for other characters — without it, you won’t be able to complete the game.

You need green, red and blue points to develop the tree. More details on that can be found on dedicated pages of the guide.

Technology tree branches

The technology tree is divided into several branches - Technology Tree in Graveyard Keeper Game - Beginning and development - Graveyard Keeper Game Guide

The technology tree is divided into several branches. They aren’t connected with each other. This means that while you can focus on developing only one branch, it may be difficult to do since developing other branches earns you points.

The anatomy and alchemy branch is responsible for all autopsy, exhumation and potion brewing techniques. Alchemy is unlocked after talking to an old woman in the swamps. By unlocking the items in this branch you gain access to better resources and techniques for autopsy, alchemy equipment and raw materials.

Theology is responsible for all the things relating to the church and cemetery. It allows you to unlock better gravestones, slabs and fences. These, on the other hand, are useful for raising the quality of the cemetery. Once the quality of the cemetery has been improved, you will unlock the church in. In it you will gain new church items and be able to preach. This will earn you the blue points to make further improvements in the tree.

This tech branch is concerned with knowledge and science. Its first elements are devoted to the creation of paper, ink and books. This way you will be able to gain more and more points of learning. Thanks to these skills you will be able to preach better, which is connected with the increased inflow of points and cash.

This branch focuses on the cultivation of plants, fruit trees, beekeeping, wine and beer production and fisheries. Thanks to these skills you will be able to produce better resources and earn more cash from them. However, if you are developing this branch, it is also worth remembering the Cookery element. It is responsible for creating food, which is much better with good ingredients.

This branch is responsible for processing raw materials such as sand and iron. This will allow you to create much better tools or glass.

This part of the technology tree is responsible for processing raw materials such as rock and wood, so that you can create and repair buildings.

Cookery is a branch responsible for preparing drinks and dishes.

How to develop the tech tree?

To help you grow in Graveyard Keeper, we have prepared some tips on how to develop the skill tree - Technology Tree in Graveyard Keeper Game - Beginning and development - Graveyard Keeper Game Guide

To help you grow in Graveyard Keeper, we have prepared some tips on how to develop the skill tree. If you forget about it, the game may take much longer and become much more difficult.

Invest your first points in Building. This will allow you to cut down and process wood. These skills are needed to expand the cemetery and other locations available in the game.

Spend the next few points on a branch called Theology. You will need faith points to develop your character. You will only get them after you get to the church. In order to get to the temple you’ll have to repair the whole cemetery first. Thanks to the skills of this branch you will be able to craft new tombstones and slabs, which will improve the quality of the cemetery.

If you’re not focused on cooking, forget about Cookery and Farming and Nature. These branches only develop the quality of your raw materials, but if you focus on renovating, extracting and processing your raw materials in Graveyard Keeper, then go to bed when you’re done, you don’t need to invest in them. Although later quests require wine, you don’t have to focus on the farm. You can easily buy wine from Horadric .

After the first week, take care of your Smithing branch. In time, you’ll need to use sharper tools for your missions, making sure you’re able to craft them.


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Технологии открываются с помощью трех типов очков. Эти очки можно получить выполняя разные действия. Наибольшее количество очков вы можете получать исследуя различные предметы в подвале церкви используя для этого исследовательский стол.

  • 1 Красные
  • 2 Зелёные
  • 3 Синие
  • 4 Исследовательский стол
  • 5 Книги
  • 6 Дерево технологий
    • 6.1 Анатомия и алхимия
    • 6.2 Теология
    • 6.3 Написание книг
    • 6.4 Фермерство и природа
    • 6.5 Металлообработка
    • 6.6 Строительство
    • 6.7 Кулинария
    • 6.8 Спиритуализм

    Красные [ ]

    «Красные шарики отображают работу руками и обработку материалов». Все, что связано с физическим трудом, генерирует красные очки . Так же их можно получить с помощью различных действий на ферме, при вырубке деревьев, добыче камня и угля.

    Зелёные [ ]

    «Зелёные шарики отражают знания о природе вещей и самой природе». Все, что связано с органикой, генерирует зелёные очки . В это входит вырубка сорняков, сбор древесины и сельское хозяйство.

    Синие [ ]

    «Синие шарики отражают духовные познания о нематериальном мире». Синие очки очень тяжело добыть на ранней стадии игры. Действия, связанные с моргом, кладбищем и алхимией, часто создают их, но этого не будет хватать на поздней стадии игры.

    Лучшим ранним источником является исследовательский стол. На нём можно изучить органы, чтобы получить , а также надгробные плиты, заборы и алхимические вещества, такие как порошки, жидкости и экстракты.

    Исследовательский стол разблокируется после того, как игрок получает доступ к Церкви.

    Исследовательский стол [ ]

    После того, как вы пройдете главный квест, чтобы разблокировать церковь, или очистите завалы в туннелях под вашим домом, вы разблокируете исследовательский стол. Его можно найти под церковью в лаборатории алхимии.

    Исследовательский стол используется для изучения предметов. После изучения предмета он не может быть снова изучен, и вы получите как технологические точки, так и возможные продукты разложения. Органические материалы, как правило, генерируют очки , неорганические материалы (Железо, Камень, Инструменты), генерируют очки , а морг, кладбище и предметы алхимии генерируют очки . То, что элемент генерирует при изучении, отображается рядом с текстом «Исследование не завершено» над предметом.

    Изучение большинства предметов требует веры и науки (за исключением большинства предметов алхимии, которые требуют только науку). Вера может быть получена путем проведения проповедей в церкви, а науку можно получить, используя бумагу, заметки или главы на исследовательском столе.

    Книги [ ]

    Звездочёт продаёт книги на втором и третьем уровне продавца, которые можно использовать для получения 25 (обычные книги) или 50 (улучшенный вариант) очков одного из трёх цветов.


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